Tesla-Coil Spark Lightning Simulator High Frequency ALTERNATING Current Wireless Transmission Principle Demonstration

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Product Description

Tesla-Coil Spark Lightning Simulator High Frequency ALTERNATING Current Wireless Transmission Principle Demonstration



Spark gap Tesla-coil


Product Features:


1. The machine is easy to install and easy to make mistakes. It can be used even if you don't know the circuit.


2. Volume after installation: 24cmX long, 12cmX wide and 41cm high.


3. Packaging size: 35cmX23cmX19cm.


4. Input voltage: ac 90V~230V.


5. Arc length is within 15 cm and power is adjustable within 5W~30W.

  • Tesla coil function

1. It can simulate lightning. Tape a metal wire on the ball to discharge electricity or connect another ground wire to start an arc.


2. The gas lamp can be lit at intervals of about 30cm, which is effective at night or in dark places.


3. The power is adjustable within the range of 5~30 watts, and the current is a few milliamps. The feeling of touching the arc by hand is similar to the feeling of touching static electricity.As you get closer and closer to the ball, the sensation of numbness begins, but when you get too close you feel some pain when you see the arc, and the arc pulse can be adjusted very slowly so that most people can accept it.It should be noted that the Tesla coil has a different principle from the normal form starting motor. The Tesla coil belongs to AC output and cannot produce the effect of hair erect.


Tesla-Coil Introduction:


Tesla-coils are also known as Tesla coils because they are a direct transliteration of the English name Tesla.This is a distributed parameter high frequency series resonant transformer, which can usually obtain high frequency voltage of 100,000 to million volts.Traditional tesla coil principle is to use electromagnetic induction principle to make common voltage step-up transformer, and then to the primary LC resonance capacitance charging circuit, charge to discharge threshold, spark gap conductance tong, primary LC series resonance circuit, give the excitation power of the secondary coil with a high enough, the second is the frequency and secondary LC circuit is equal, let the secondary coil inductance and capacitance of the series resonance occurs, the discharge terminal voltage is highest, and then see the lightning.In layman's terms, it is an artificial lightning generator.Tesla coil enthusiasts all over the world have built all kinds of devices that create blinding artificial lightning, which is beautiful.



1. Light that cannot be used to light the LED. The LED light will be damaged by electricity.


2. Only the discharge ball can be touched when the current is on, other parts of the circuit cannot be touched.The machine shall be well grounded. In case of abnormal lighting, please turn down the ignition gap. The ignition gap is generally within 2mm.


3. Tesla-coil has strong electromagnetic interference, heart patients should stay away from equipped with pacemaker.Stay away from precision instruments (at least 1 m above) including switching power supply, stepper motor, PLC, mobile phone, network communication equipment.Unlike the upper divider, the fingerprint lock cannot be opened.