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${data.index + 1}/3
Product Description
This drsstc is a large Tesla coil designed by our shoplt is small and easy to carry, and there is no danger in pluggingin 220v.It does not need to be connected to a transformer likeother Teslas,which greatly reduces the weight. The productdemonstration effect is good and the power is controllable.Super large integrated heat sink, extremely low heat generationrate, no need for fan cooling, low power consumption, small surge.integrated feedback and insurance on the circuit board.safety is guaranteed The product will not work automatically if it is not connectedto the arc extinguisher, and it will not work automatically ifthe arc extinquisher is not powered on. Double protectionguard! The fiber optic cable between the arc extinguishing andthe product is as long as 3 meters,and the product can beoperated remotely by remote control. The built-in battery doesnot require an external power supply, which is very convenient and humanized. Dual-mode arc extinguishing, can input square wave music can also be manually controlled, can be manually adjusted frequency and pulse width, self-contained battery, easy to use.