It is the first commercial application of a plastic container with embedded RFID, rather than a tag affixed to the outside of a product.
RFID-embedded bottles involve first encapsulating the RFID components in a disc assembly and then molding the assembly as an insert into the base of a blow molded bottle. It is delivering long range item level inventory control & brand protection& short range consumer engagement
RFID family label is an essential part of the solution addressing a previously unmet market need for:
- low cost, long range, item level, tracking, counting and authentication of any container or package of liquid.
- with a focus on bottles containing liquor, wine, champagne, beer, soft drinks ... even cosmetics, motor oil & blood.
and now including packaged cheese and meat - which can be frozen.
bringing everything into the Internet of Things
We can produce Plastic RFID Cap labels below:
A. NFC(near field communication) Plastic RFID Cap labels, short reading range
B. UHF RFID, longer reading range
C. smart' dual frequency UHF & NFC
All of them could uniquely combines supply chain & consumer engagement,
provides a unique identity for the item; and is intrinsically secure;
but can have additional layers of security added,
bringing anti-tamper and anti-counterfeiting functionalities
- benefiting manufacturer, brand, the supply chain & every consumer’s confidence in a product.
encapsulates Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) components between injection molded discs and then embeds that assembly into an injection-blow molded bottle