Product introduction:
This is a SGTC(Spark gap)Tesla coil.He is a great scientistNikolay.TeslaIn order to study wireless transmission1891Like lightning in nature.The charm of lightning has attracted many science lovers to make itSGTCTesla coil,After entering modern times,Enthusiasts have also improved and developed many other types of Tesla rings in combination with current electronic technology and components,Enrich the play.andSGTCAsNikolay.TeslaThe original of the inventionTesla coil,Nature has its uniqueness,True Tesla enthusiasts will not miss it.
Product function:
Ornamental arc:
Lightning has inexplicable charm for some people,Although the lightning in nature is unparalleled,But not often,And it's inconvenient to enjoy it because of the danger.But now we've built a lightning generator,Although it can't compare with the shock of natural lightning,But it also has a very similar shape,Can let us rest assured to enjoy.
Simulated electric shock:
Put different goods lamps and lanterns And everything under the lightning,Can let us know more about lightning.
Wireless lighting:
Tesla coil will generate a strong electric field when working,When some lamps containing gas are close,Will be lit,It gives people a very magical feeling.
Handicraft ornaments:
usuallySGTCDid a lot,Moreover, circuits and components are not sealed.And we made it small(It can be placed in the palm of the hand)And completely sealed with a shell.Plus good overall appearance and manufacturing technology,Make thisSGTCTesla coil can be a good desktop ornament,Keep it when it's not in use,Still give full play to its handicraft value.
Product advantages:
Arc effect cool
ThisSGTCTesla coil arc effect is very good,You can take similar smallSGTCTesla coil comparison.And this is thanks to our good designCircuit system,So that the arc ratio reaches1.1 :1(The arc length is greater than the secondary coil length)
Good appearance and structure
At present, whether small or large in the marketSGTCTesla coil,Their circuits and components are basically bare.Although this isSGTCTechnical difficulties caused by the characteristics of Tesla coil,But this will lead to increased security risks after all,The overall appearance of the coil is not perfect.And this one we developedSGTCTesla coil solves these problems,Not only small size,And the square structure is symmetrical and neat,All circuits and components are placed in the enclosure,With unique handicrafts,It has a pleasing appearance and a sense of craftsmanship.
Long service life
Modern enthusiasts have developed many new Tesla coils.that is becauseSGTCTesla coil has many disadvantages,Short life is one of them,We also often learn from othersSGTCTesla coil can be seen in the product description Do not allow the coil to operate for a long time Such a description.influenceSGTCThe first of coil life isLighter,Its working principle determines that it is a consumable component,Secondly, the various circuits used in the circuitComponent qualityBad will also affect life,becauseSGTCThe operating voltage is high after all,The requirements for component quality are very high,Then there is the circuit and the whole coilDesign and layout,This part can't be done well,It can also be easily damaged.We useProfessional materialsMake a lighter,addCircuit controlandDesignallowance,The service life of the lighter is too many times longer than that of ordinary people,So that it hardly breaks.Components and materials are imported with high quality or customized by manufacturers,Combined with coil parameter selection,And after long-term test in the later stage.Coil design and layout,We also have many structural and process innovations,These finally make ourSGTCThe coil has a long life,BrokenSGTCShort coil lifeInherent impression!!!
More technological innovation
staySGTCThe disadvantages of the coil,Short service life,And the noise is loud,Difficult heat dissipation,Arc ignition, etc.Solutions to these shortcomings,Each of us uses technological innovation.We've already talked about life expectancy.Loud noise,The noise comes from Lighter and arc,The noise of electric arc is impossible to eliminate(Otherwise there will be no arc)So the main thing is to reduce the noise of the lighter(In the case of poor performanceSGTCOn coil Due to small arc The noise comes almost from the lighter)Because our coil is small as a whole,The lighter is small,The noise is not big,Plus totally enclosed enclosure andLighter commissioning,The noise is a little lower,In this way, the noise of the lighter is lower than the arc noise,So all you hear is an arc.In terms of heat dissipation,We usedoriginalSpecial fan and space structure for heat dissipation.Arc ignition,It occurs only when the arc is strong or the structural design is wrong,In the initial development, we made a good decision,But I found that because the coil is relatively small(Arc length exceeds coil length)There was a fire,In order to retain strong arc,We upgraded the coil process,Resin potting,Enhanced insulation.At the same time, it also enhances the beauty of the coil.
Product parameters:
Power Supply:DC(direct)15V8A Arc length:10centimeter
Safety warning!!!
Operation specification:Now there are many Tesla coils advertising touching the arc by hand,But this Tesla coil, we clearly do not support this behavior,First of all, our coil arc is stronger,Second, although this coil arc is not fatal,But if you touch, the touch inductance is relatively strong,Not prepared will scare people.Of course, if you know more about electricity,Know some skills you can choose.therefore,In principle,Everyone mustbe carefulUse of arc,Moreover, the arc can not be used for malicious injury.
Stay away from electronic devices:Tesla coil will produce a strong pulsed electromagnetic field,The larger the arc, the stronger the coil,It will interfere with electronic circuits)So when using,Be careful to stay away from some important electronic equipment(Especially use220VSocket equipment)Our Tesla coil has a ground link(Good use of ground wire It can reduce interference very well)
Product warranty:
reference resources National Three Guarantees for electronic products
Product delivery:
SGTCTesla coil1platform The power adapter1individual Ground wire1root Thick copper wire1root Small wooden stick1root Small screw1Grains