AD9851 DDS Module Programmable Function Generator Digital Frequency Synthesizer Compatible with 9850 Frequency Sweep

Module Programmable Function Generator
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AD9851 DDS Module Programmable Function Generator Digital Frequency Synthesizer Compatible with 9850 Frequency Sweep
Product Description

Chip description

The AD9851 is a highly integrated device that uses advanced DDS technology, coupled with an internal high speed, high performance D/A converter, and comparator, to form a dig i tal ly programmable frequency synthesizer and clock generator func- tion. When referenced to an accurate clock source, the AD9851 generates a stable frequency and phase-programmable digitized analog output sine wave. This sine wave can be used directly as a frequency source, or internally converted to a square wave for agile-clock generator applications. The AD9851’s innovative high speed DDS core accepts a 32-bit frequency tuning word, which results in an output tuning res o lu tion of approximately 0.04 Hz with a 180 MHz system clock. The AD9851 con tains a unique 6 REFCLK Multiplier circuit that eliminates the need for a high speed reference oscillator. The 6 REFCLK Multiplier has min i mal impact on SFDR and phase noise char- ac ter is tics. The AD9851 provides fi ve bits of programmable phase mod u la tion resolution to enable phase shifting of its output in in cre ments of 11.25°.

Chip Feature

180 MHz Clock Rate with Selectable 6 Reference Clock
On-Chip High Performance 10-Bit DAC and High Speed
Comparator with Hysteresis
SFDR >43 dB at 70 MHz AOUT
32-Bit Frequency TuningWord
Simplified Control Interface: Parallel or Serial
Asynchronous Loading Format
5-Bit Phase Modulation and Offset Capability
Comparator Jitter <80 ps p-p at 20 MHz
2.7 V to 5.25 V Single-Supply Operation
Low Power: 555 mW at 180 MHz
Power-Down Function, 4 mW at 2.7 V
Ultrasmall 28-Lead SSOP Packaging

AD9851 High Speed DDS Module
Power supply
6~9V (6V recommended)
100mm X 60mm
TFT liquid crystal display, with buttons, make the interface operation more user-friendly, support sine wave, square wave output, square wave adjustable duty cycle, equipped with filter circuit and post-amplification output port.