900W 15A Boost Converter DC-DC 9V~60V to 10V-120V LCD Display Control Step Up Module High Precise Voltage Transformer Regulator

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Product Description
900W 15A Boost Converter DC-DC 9V~60V to 10V-120V LCD Display Control Step Up Module High Precise Voltage Transformer Regulator



[Product features]

Output current: 0~15A
Conversion efficiency: 85%
Active heat dissipation Continuous operation with input fan
Digital control + colour screen display
Storage groups: 10 groups

[Technical parameters]

Input voltage (U-IN): DC9V~60V
Input current: 0~15A
Output voltage (U-OUT): 10V~120V
Output current: 0~15A
Conversion efficiency:85%
Operating frequency: 150KHZ
Short circuit protection: 20A fuse (non-self-recovery)
Working temperature: -40℃~85℃
Heat dissipation mode: active heat dissipation Continuous operation by connecting input fan
Control mode: CNC + colour screen display
Voltage adjustment display: 009.0V~120.0V
Current adjustment display: 00.01A~15.00A
Output ripple: ≤50mV
Storage group: 10 groups
Standby power consumption: less than 150mA (measured at 12V input)
Dimensions: 110mm x 105mm x 48mm (product)


When the input is switched on, the output always has electrical output and the voltage is equal to the real-time output voltage shown on the interface


[Package list]

DC Boost Module X1